Smile Design Makeover
Your smile is often the first thing another person notices. Sometimes a patient’s teeth are healthy and functional, but maybe dark in color, or too short from years of wear, or aren’t the exact shape they would like. Although everyone’s teeth are different, and this is what makes us unique, if the appearance of your teeth inhibit you from smiling, hinder your confidence, or you feel they do not represent your personality, a smile design and makeover is a wonderful way to overcome these obstacles.
Some of the procedures we use to transform your smile both functionally and aesthetically are:
Porcelain Veneers
All Ceramic Crowns
Whitening (In-Office and take home)
Tooth colored Bonding
Replacing old and worn restorations with highly esthetic materials
Designing Your New Smile
By examining photos of our numerous case examples, we can develop your individual smile preferences. Once these have been established, with the use of high-end dental ceramists and wax models, we can show you how your new smile will look with extreme precision. Once your new smile is designed the way you want it, we can develop a treatment plan. We use only the most skilled dental artists and laboratories to create your veneers, crowns, and other highly esthetic restorations. Over a series of appointments, we will transform your smile, boosting your self-confidence, and help you achieve a smile that you will be excited to present to the world.

A smile makeover is completed over a series of appointments, starting with diagnostic records, “before” photos, models of your teeth, and wax ups. Once we gather all our preliminary data, we can get to the exciting part!